QuickTime Plugin - display current time |
JavaScript code to display the current movie time when using the QuickTime browser plugin. |
Compressor post-processing with AppleScript
An example script showing how to post-process a file using Compressor and Applescript |
MySQL backup and mail |
A PHP script to back up your MySQL databases to the server, and
also email those backups to you. Intended as a crontab entry, but
easily adaptable to a web-click script. |
iView MediaPro Email Script |
iView MediaPro (as of when I'm writing this, version
2.6.2) is horrible about mailing photos. This AppleScript allows
you to resize selected photos for mailing. It doesn't alter your
iView MediaPro to iPhoto Script |
iPhoto can do some great things that iView cannot, such as easily
place photos on your .Mac account, order those nice books from
Apple, and work with the myPhoto web-sharing tool. This script
takes selected iView photos and imports them into iPhoto, preserving
the filename and comments.
Reply using To Script |
I often receive mail from vendors addressed to unique email addresses
I've given them. I may want to reply from that unique address rather
than my regular address. This two-part program solves that, using
OS X Mail and a simple server-based PHP script. The PHP script
can also be useful for other one-time sending purposes. |
iPhoto Comment to IPTC Caption script |
to copy the iPhoto "Comment" to the standard IPTC "Caption" field.
This uses GraphicConverter as a helper app. It's based on an
Apple sample script, but their version opens and recompresses
the image in GraphicConverter - leading to loss of image detail,
etc. This version doesn't even open the image, and no change
to the photo takes place at all. It's quite a bit faster too. |
Old stuff: The following applications are a bit
old and dusty, but may still be of value to some. They're written
for Mac OS 9 and haven't been tested in OS X. The apps not linked
below will be added very soon.
WX-200 Application |
The WX-200 is a weather monitor made by Oregon Scientific
and sold by Radio Shack. It's a pretty good all-in-one gizmo which
records temperature, humidity, windspeed, and all sorts of other
things. The interface software that comes with the WX-200 is both
useless and for Windows only. So I wrote one for the Mac. It logs
data and makes pretty little charts.
ADB-IO REALbasic interface |
The ADB-IO is a great "real-world" interface
for the Mac. Unfortunately it was recently discontinued, although
that made some sense since it connects via the ADB port which
Apple doesn't put onto Macs anymore. Some folks are working on
a USB version. Anyway, I wanted to see what it would take to
configure a REALbasic interface to the ADB-IO. REALbasic is
a great programming language, and it really wasn't all that hard.
This will provide the "guts" to handle the communications.
Serial Hacker
(Currently MIA) |
Also written in REALbasic, this is a program to assist
in the reverse-engineering of serial devices. Run this on a Mac
with two serial ports. Plug your device into one port, and another
Mac (or PC) into the other port. On the second Mac run whatever
software you have that uses the device. Serial Hacker passes all
data between that Mac and the device, and displays the data in
various formats. Very handy for making a Mac driver of a Windows-only
hardware device, or just figuring out how things work.
WebSucker |
Now somewhat of a "classic" application, the WebSucker
is a utility to convert Pagemaker files into web pages. This was
written long before Pagemaker had this functionality built-in.
The WebSucker received mentions in all the major Mac magazines
and web sites, and was used by hundreds (possibly thousands) of
users from college newspapers to NASA. Really!
I have some thoughts on a new version of WebSucker for the modern
age, so stay tuned!
OT/PPP Log Parser

This utility helps analyze the log file generated by OT/PPP,
the internet dialup application in Mac OS 8 and 9. |